Attachment Types

Screen Description

In UniTime 4.1, other files than pictures can be attached to a room. To avoid issues with UniTime trying to show a file as a picture, a new attachment types table have been created.

These attachment types can be defined on the Administration > Other > Attachment Types administrative page. Each type has the following properties:

    • Image: the file can be displayed as an image (in the IMG element)

    • Room Picture Type: this attachment type can be used on the Add/Edit Room page

    • Show in Rooms Table: files of this type can be shown in the Rooms table

    • Room Tooltip: images of this type can be show in the room’s mouse over tooltip


In the Rooms table, every attachment type that is used and allowed to be displayed will show as a separate column. Files that are not images will show as links (named after the name of the attached file).