Edit Student Group

Screen Description

The Edit Student Group screen provides interface for editing an existing student group. (It is also possible to edit all student groups at once in the Edit Student Groups screen, accessible from the Student Groups screen.)


  • External Id

      • Not editable in UniTime

  • Code

      • Code or abbreviation of the student group

      • Used in UniTime to identify the group (displayed in various screens etc.)

  • Name

      • Name of the student group

  • Students

      • A list of students that should belong to this group

      • Editable only for groups that have been added through the Add Student Group screen in UniTime (not editable for the student groups with External Ids)

        • It is possible to use the Lookup button to get to the People Lookup screen and look the students up one by one or to copy a list of External Ids of the students to the editable text field
